3 potential indicators of nursing home abuse or neglect

On Behalf of | Jun 23, 2021 | Elder Law |

Nursing home abuse and neglect are common occurrences often brought about by understaffing, stressed workers and mismanagement of power. The Association of Mature American Citizens reported a rise in incidents of this sort in 2019.

News stories about nurses bullying and even raping residents continue to emerge. The idea of your vulnerable, elderly loved ones becoming victims of torment and excessive inattention may be a terrifying one. If you worry that it is your reality, there are signs that may indicate your suspicions are correct.

1. Changes in mood or behavior

Senior citizens may find themselves exposed to verbal and mental attacks. The sudden development of anxiety or depression, abnormal aggression, a random decline in self-esteem and regression to a younger mental state may all be indicators of emotional abuse. Note that all of these may also be from conditions like Alzheimer’s or other causes like dissatisfaction with the environment.

2. Physical indicators

Possible manifestations of physical and sexual abuse include bruising, cuts, welts, broken bones and other injuries. Fatigue, malnutrition, weight loss, sores, filthy bedding and poor hygiene may signal neglect. Any worrying physical aberrations may be the result of some form of physical harm, but also keep in mind that they do not absolutely prove anything sketchy is occurring.

3. Irregularities in staff conduct

Caretakers speaking to or treating your elderly family member or friend in a belittling, threatening or mocking manner is a major red flag. So are not allowing you to be alone with and inappropriate touching of the patient.

If you notice any of these signs, you may want to investigate. If your elderly loved ones have been the subject of abuse or neglect, there are options, but it is important not to accuse anyone without solid evidence.


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