What can an elder law attorney do for you?

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2019 | Elder Law |

If you are a Virginia senior citizen or if your parents fall into this age demographic, you may wish to seek out the advice and counsel of an experienced elder law attorney. Why? Because (s)he is the person who can help you or your parents wend your ways through the vagaries of Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, (s)he can help you with all manner of other issues that affect older people.

FindLaw explains that elder law attorneys deal with the issues and concerns of older people on a daily basis and consequently thoroughly understand those issues and how best to resolve them.

Elder law legal services

Specifically, an elder law attorney can provide you and/or your parents with the following legal services:

  • Draft Last Wills and Testaments as well as any other estate planning documents you or your parents may wish to execute
  • Draft durable financial powers of attorney
  • Draft advance healthcare directives
  • Help you or your parents apply for Medicaid and/or Medicare
  • Counsel you or your parents about the rights you have when you establish residency in a nursing home or assisted living facility

In addition, if you or your parents encounter neglect or abuse at your nursing home or assisted living facility, your elder law attorney can draft the petition needed to sue for personal injury and guide you through every step of the process.

All in all, an elder law attorney can become one of the best resources you and/or your parents have during your golden years — the professional who will help ensure that those years really are golden.

This is general educational information and not intended to provide legal advice.


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