Identifying 3 common types and signs of elder abuse

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2021 | Elder Law |

We want to ensure our loved ones are respectfully and adequately looked after when we entrust their care to a caregiver or someone else in a trusted position. Unfortunately, elder abuse exists and our vulnerable family members might experience violation that results in injury, illness, despair, isolation or loss of productivity.

We can identify this horrible type of abuse by looking out for some common signs in order to protect our family members and friends.

1. Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse occurs when an elder is subject to mental pain, distress and anguish at the hands of another person. Signs of this type of abuse include unexplained changes in emotion, personality, problems sleeping, unusually high blood pressure, change in alertness or obvious conflict tension between the elder and his or her caregiver.

2. Physical abuse

Caregivers inflict physical abuse on vulnerable elders through physical pain, deprivation of a basic need or threat of injury. We should stay on the lookout for broken bones, sprains, abrasions, bruises, extreme weight loss, bed sores, poor hygiene or other obvious physical trauma.

3. Neglect

Neglect is another common form of elder abuse and can occur actively or passively. We might notice neglect take the form of lack of necessities like proper utilities and food, unsafe or unsanitary living conditions, skin rashes, signs of dehydration, unexplained worsening of the elder’s medical conditions and the absence of necessary medical support like dentures, a walker or hearing aids.

To identify signs of elder abuse we must stay vigilant by carefully observing our loved ones and those who are in charge of their care. Even with the slightest concerns, ask questions and take action so the abuse does not continue.



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